Black Women's Empowerment

Must Read: Endless Opportunities Abroad For Women of Color

There are times when we look at the world and the outlook seems quite bleak and then there are times when we look at the world and it seems unfair, and everything is trivialized. In a world where you’re cyber-bullied to walk on egg shells in the guise of political correctness, where people tell you that everyone is the same, we aren’t-it’s a lie, where you told that to acknowledge your unique differences is racist and how you are a victim is crammed down your throat on a daily basis until you begin to recite the themes and speeches, I am also guilty of this. Your life begins to mimic that of a victim to the point where you don’t realize that you are actually victorious.  It begins to become clear to you that you will spend your entire life fighting for freedom, but the sad thing is, you are already free and you just don’t know it.


So how do we change these things you ask?  First, we must acknowledge that, yes there is discrimination and inequality in the world and that no amount of fighting will change that. No amount of political correctness will change other people’s attitudes, but instead cause more anger and bitterness towards integration and multiculturalism.

Second, seek opportunities to change the dialogue. You know that Facebook feed of yours? Instead of posting news articles that reinforce the victim dialogue, seek good news, news that show that we are winning and are not defeated. Understand that most inequality in the world and especially in America is a class issue not an ethnic one. It starts with the ‘haves’ taking most of the pie and leaving scraps for the ‘have nots’ to fight over. That ‘racism’ is a diversion, a fear tactic if you will, and is an outcome of this battle in order to give some of those fighting over crumbs the upper hand in that battle for which, if we truly understood the universe, we’d know we don’t have to fight over anything and that there is more than enough in the world for everyone who wishes to grab it. In short, don’t waste your time fighting in the battle, instead spend your energy on creating new rules instead of abiding by the ones that puts you at a disadvantage.


Third, as a black woman in a society where a vast majority don’t truly understand us therefore don’t know how to appreciate us, take opportunities to change your prospective about your place in the world by travelling and experience other cultures that may or may not feel the same.

Last, instead of fighting over crumbs, create your own empire where you are queen and you make the rules you believe are just and righteous, yes, be a business owner.


I am not writing this article as some kum ba yah diatribe, in fact I am about share some knowledge with you on how you can do #3 and #4. This first post, I will share ways that you can travel the world and make money too. Or travel for less than nothing. #4 I will address in another article next week.

Packaged Earth

As someone who has been traveling on and off for the last 19 years I have discovered many ways to travel, make money or travel on the cheap. Here are a few ways you can do this:

Study Abroad for Free: Did you know there are many countries in Europe, Asia, and the Americas that do not charge tuition to international students or charge very low fees?  I wish I would have known this before I went back to school.  But here is a list of countries that charge no or negligible tuition fees for international students.


Norway: International students can attend Norwegian public and state universities for free.  Students have only have to pay a semester fee of $50 -$100 to attend school. Although Norway is an expensive country, you can work part time while in school and have access to amazing free health care.

Finland: Universities in Finland are funded by the Ministry of Education therefore students are not charged tuition fees. However, you do have to purchase books and materials and living expenses for a single person is around 700€ a month, about $950.

Austria: Fees charged per semester, 750€ or $1000. Living expenses around 800€ a month or $1100.

Germany: Fees charged per semester, no more than 500€ per semester or $750.

University of the Free People: Is an online tuition free university for people all over the world. Although you cannot earn a degree, Coursera partners with the top universities around the world to offer free courses.


South Korea: While teaching in South Korea, I met a lot of international students studying there from America, Africa and the Middle East. The cost of study in South Korea is negligible and scholarships are offered there.

China: If you have a love for Asian cultures and wish to perfect you Mandarin, the Chinese government offer scholarships to international students.


The Americas:


Cuba: If you are Latina or black and have a love for Spanish and wish to study medicine, Cuba is giving scholarships for you to study medicine in their prestigious med-school. Cuba is known for having some of the best medical practices in the world that rival even 1st world countries.


If you already have your degree and wish to pay off your student loans quickly while exploring another country and culture, you can teach abroad. There are many opportunities in South Korea, China, S.E. Asia, Chile, and Europe.

To teach abroad, you only need a bachelor’s degree in any subject, but having one in English or TESOL or a teaching certification will get you even further and definitely, more money. For opportunities, check out these sites.


Dave’s ESL: This site offers opportunities all over the world, but make sure you researched the companies offering positions by Google searching them before leaving. Some can be scam artists.

Sabis Careers: This site offers opportunities to teach in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.

France: You’ll be somewhat of a starving artist, but once you arrive there are many opportunities to earn extra income and stay. But, you must take this opportunity before you are 30. My aunt left for Paris right before her 30th birthday for this program and has spent the last 7 years in Paris working for some of the top Fashion houses in the world, once her teaching contract was up.

Spain: I applied for this program in Spain and was accepted by decided to opt out of it because I had found le beau. However, here is a great opportunity to again hone your Spanish speaking skills and explore Europe. The cost of living is low, the pay is decent and again you many opportunities to earn extra cash on the side from tutoring.

JET Program: offers one year contract opportunities to teach in Japan and earn from $36,000 to $42,000 a year.


Chile: South America, what more can I say?


Not into teaching, but still want to travel and learn valuable skills? Join the Peace Corps. You get paid a good amount, help developing nations and have your loans forgiven.


Move Abroad: There are many opportunities for people with a degree in certain areas of study to pack up and move abroad and become a skilled migrant worker. One of the best places to do this is New Zealand, swirling frontier. Ghana is becoming one of the fastest growing hubs for migrant Black Americans. Find other ways to utilize your skills to live abroad. A friend and blogging buddy, Tina, first taught Tango in Argentina for 3 years then moved to Italy to do the same and become a DJ. She chronicles her journey on her now defunct blog, Tina Tangos.  Oneika, from Canada, has spent the last few years travelling to over 60 countries and teaching abroad. She shows you how it’s done on her blog Oneika the Traveler. Here are other resources and opportunities for working abroad.


I hope this post has given you some insight into opportunities and resources that are available to you. Expand your horizons, your idea of you in the world, and get out there and conquer it. Remember the past is the past, we can’t change it but we can celebrate and learn from it, but the best way to enjoy life is to constantly live for the present moment, I’m talking to myself, too. Finally, the only way to rid the world of inequality is to become successful and show the way to others so that they may bask in your light and create their own.


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