
100% Positive: “I Love Black Women Because…”

We must be on the verge of something great, because the trolls are in full force, sending out their roaches to attacked absolutely everything about black women–from the coils of their, curve of their hips, shape of their lips and wideness of their nose. Nobody wants us. The rainbeaus who love us are “simps.” We’re all “middle-aged,” fat, desperate and eat our young. Did I miss something from the list? Meh. Whatever. Since these sorrowful knuckle draggers are CONVINCED that black women are the most hated, most reviled, most unloved women who should just go die in a corner, I thought I’d give ya’ll an opportunity to disabuse these miserable lots of these notions. All are welcome–ladies, men, children, mothers, fathers, black, white and polka dot. Tell us what RIGHT about us…we’re all listening!

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