
28 Days of Heart Health: Day One; Just How Serious is Heart Disease for Black Women?

We hear a lot about how black women are at high risk of of diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure, but not enough attention is being paid to heart disease, which is, surprisingly to many, the number one killer of ALL women, and black women are the most at risk. But the classic symptoms (cue Fred Sanford of Sanford & Sons) the gripping of the left arm, sudden tightness in the chest aren’t so obvious in women. In fact, the symptoms are so different that even doctors overlook the signs. According to WomensHealth.gov, the symptoms of a heart attack include:

–Chest discomfort — pressure, squeezing, or pain
–Shortness of breath
–Discomfort in the upper body — arms, shoulder, neck, back
–Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, lightheadedness, sweating
–Women can also have less common symptoms, including:
–Unusual tiredness
–Trouble sleeping
–Problems breathing
–Indigestion (upset stomach)
–Anxiety (feeling uneasy or worried)

If you’re experiencing a combination of these symptoms call your doctor immediately.


You know what’s funny? I have never, EVER known any of my female relatives to die from a heart attack, which is why it was so hard for me to accept the news that heart disease was they number one killer. Cancer? Sure, I could believe that. Diabetes and stroke? No brainer. But a heart attack?

Ya’ll REALLY, REALLY need to watch this video:

One lady says that “With God’s grace and mercy, we can live with these diseases.” How do you feel about that statement? Do you just want to accept that you have diabetes and heart disease and just “manage?” Why not thrive? Why not avoid them altogether?

That’s why for the month of February we’re going to have a post every single day on how we black women can THRIVE and AVOID heart disease altogether.

Are you ready?



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