Health and Fitness

Day Two of 28 Days of Heart Health: Is Your House Heart-Healthy?

I did this piece back in my magazine writing days for Better Homes & Gardens. It was my big break into the major women’s publications and I’ve had this thing framed and mounted alongside my college diploma. Read, and take it to heart.


Making some simple design and lifestyle changes at home can lead to a healthier heart. Here are our top tips — all doable in just minutes.

Entryway: Add Tennis Shoes

Keep sneakers by your front door so they’re handy for exercising. Staying active is essential to good heart health. A recent study of more than 27,000 women enrolled in the Women’s Health Study found that those who exercised the most were 40 percent less likely to have a heart attack or stroke than those who exercised the least.


Entryway: Keep Count

Hang a pedometer on a hook by the door and clip it to your waistband every morning — it’s an inexpensive way to track how many steps you take throughout the day. For maximum health benefits, aim to walk 10,000 steps a day. If you fall short of that goal, increase your average daily steps by about 500 until you get to that point.

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