
Sad News: Former BB&W ‘Hottie’ Succumbs to Cancer at 41

I received some devastating news from my friend, Niki Chambers, who told me that my long-time Facebook friend and former “Hottie of the Week,” Jason Hendrix died earlier today of cancer. This is is horrific and sudden, because Jason announced his condition and her determination to beat the disease on March 22. Screen Shot 2014-04-17 at 11.16.11 PM And today, April 17, he is gone from us. He leaves behind two gorgeous girls whom he loved like they hung the moon, and Niki, who loved him with all her heart after BB&W played matchmaker. She wrote all about it in the story below–it’s so bittersweet to read now. My heart hurts so much for Jason’s girls…he was the most dedicated single, divorced father. Every decision he made in his life was all in the best interest of them. What also made him special was that he was such a gentleman…a true love of women. He always held them up with so much respect. He sent me countless notes of support of the work we do on this blog. He cheered my success and wanted to have at anyone who looked at me sideways! Love you, Jason. Please send your condolences to his Facebook page here. Rest in peace, sweet Jason. Godspeed as he brings you home.

Jason and his girls…


Jason and Niki…

10154023_10203550414224437_4451353951386635651_n   “When the Hottie Met the Goddess and How a Matchmaking Blogger, Dj Kool and Pinky and the Brain Got Me the Man of My Dreams” (first published in January 2012) By Niki Chambers Gather around children of Beyond Black and White. Mama has a story to tell. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away Oh HAYELL No not that kind of story. As crazy as the blog title sounds, its totally, completely 100% true. I met and fell in love with a pretty freaking amazing guy thanks to a blogger, an old school rapper and an Animaniacs cartoon. Here’s how it goes The Matchmaking Blogger: About seven years ago, I met Christelyn Karazin, famed author and blogtress (no, she did not pay me to say that). At the time, I worked for a nonprofit and Chris was writing for 951 Magazine. Somehow, I ended up meeting the owner of the magazine and was helping him plan a launch party for a special edition of the magazine. He said it was best that I touch base with Chris as she was playing a big role in this event. So I called Chris and we had many conversations about the party. But we also talked about being working moms and all that comes with it. We had these conversations but never met face to face. A couple days before the party, we finally meet at the venue. We come face to face…and both pause with perplexed looks. Chris said, I didn’t know you were Black! And I said, I didn’t know you were Black! Yes, we played the whole “You didn’t sound Black on the phone” card on each other. A friendship was born. We each moved on to other jobs and cities, but kept in touch via Facebook. Fast forward to September 2011. A veritable doo-doo storm broke out on a Facebook group that focused on interracial relationships. Basically, Chris called people out on their…um…skankish behavior and they attacked her. I stepped up to defend my friend and noticed someone else was too. Some guy named Jason Hendrix that lives in the Bay Area (about a 6 hour drive from me). Now, I thought it was cool that he was defending Chris and trying to tell the women in this group that they were more than sex objects. That night, I think I sent him a friend request (something I NEVER, EVER do) and we sent messages back and forth that night. He was charming, funny, loved his adorable daughters and was pretty damn cute himself. And I thought there was no way he’d be interested in me. But Facebook friends we remained. DJ Kool: So, a few days after we became Facebook friends, Jason was the”Hottie of the Week” on Beyond Black and White. Well, crap. Now every chick in the world was going to be eyeballing him. I decided to take a quick look at his Facebook page and saw he posted this: “I hope ya don’t mind let me clear my throat” So, I posted, “”Whoa. DJ Kool lyrics. Flashback! ” He says that’s when he knew I was the one. Ain’t he the cutest? But we were both to freaking shy to say that we were interested in each other. Back to the Blogger: So, one day Chris asks Jason if anyone piqued his interest from his Hottie of the Week feature. He says,”Well, I did kind of like that Niki Chambers.”  This is when Chris the Blogger turned in to Chris the Matchmaker. She encouraged him to talk to me. So, he sent me a message just saying hi and that Chris has said nice things about me. I immediately sent Chris a thank you and added, “If only a cute guy like that lived near me.” Then Chris proceeded to tell me (in the nicest way possible) “Hello, dummy. He’s here every two weeks to see his daughters.” Oh, well that changes things. But I still wasn’t sure he was interested. Chris told me he was. I wasn’t convinced, so I said I would be the next “Goddess of the Week” just to make sure I could get his attention. It worked! I get another message from Jason where he says he was thinking of me. So, in the most awkward and nerdy way possible, I give him my number. I NEVER, EVER give guys my number, but I took a chance. Best decision ever. Pinky & The Brain: After a few weeks of texting, phone calls and messages, I can tell I am falling for this guy. Like majorly falling. But we said we’d take it slow, right? Too late. It was love. My birthday was coming up and Jason said he wanted to take me out to dinner. This would be our first face to face meeting. I was freaking out. I felt so comfortable with him, but this was the real deal:face to face. I tried on everything in my closet twice before settling on a cute sweater, jeans and boots. It was freezing in Southern California that week (plus I wasn’t going to meet this guy I was in love with looking like a hoochie mama.) Anyway, we meet at the restaurant and he gives me a big hug which totally calmed my nerves. At dinner, we talked and laughed and had a blast. It felt like this was exactly where I was supposed to be. We shut the place down and, hand in hand, walked out to the parking lot. I was beyond giddy, feeling like a teenager with her first love. We were talking and laughing and then it happened: he leaned in to kiss me. And said, “Are you pondering what I am pondering?” Classic line from Pinky & The Brain (it’s a cartoon from the 1990’s; Google it, people). How could he have known I loved that show? He had me hook, line and sinker. Done and completely head over heels in love. The Goddess gets her Hottie: So here we are. A new year and a success story for Beyond Black and White and its matchmaking blogtress. It’s still early in our relationship, but I can honestly say this is the happiest I’ve been in a long time. No one knows what the future brings, but I am pretty sure my future will have a DJ Kool loving, Pinky & The Brain quoting Hottie in it. And that would make for a definite happily ever after.

Follow Christelyn on Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. And if you want to be a little more about this online dating thing, InterracialDatingCentral is the official dating site for this blog.