Aside from the 24-hour news cycle dominated by WTF Trump said/did/tweeted, I’ve observed a flurry of stories about whether or not Oprah Winfrey has a real chance at the presidency in 2020.
I think it’s a horrible idea. But not because bigots would have a twofer for their hate. After all, she is black AND a woman. My reasons are much more intangible.
After having a reality star who has clearly shown his main priority is himself, surrounded by a Keystone Cops situation of cabinet members who range from inexperienced to hopelessly sycophantic and corrupt, topped with losing the collective goodwill and respect from our allies, I’m ready for a president who REALLY knows WTF he/she is doing.
What is more, I think it sets a terrible precedent that people are being elected primarily based on how much time on television they have instead of possessing a full understanding and interest in the very real issues and challenges of being the leader of the free world. Being president shouldn’t be a high school popularity contest. Honestly, I’m deeply disappointed in my fellow Americans that so many seem to have such a lack of interest in real issues and are more interested in the cult of personality than respect for the Office of the Presidency.
How cheaply that position is now being peddled! You don’t have to have any military service, never serve in a political post, and I guess you don’t even need to know the words of the national anthem.
What happened to wanting someone for president who is bookish, reflective, if not a bit nerdy? Is someone with a strong moral compass with and a sober understanding of the deep responsibility and burden of being responsible for literally billions of people just too boring for our increasingly lower-IQ collective? Are we only stimulated by flashy moving objects like the puppies and kittens we watch on Facebook and YouTube videos?
What happened to civic responsibility? My late father, born in the 1920’s and a sharecropper’s son, didn’t always have the right to vote. By the time he did, he took his privilege and responsibility seriously. He toiled through the voter guide for hours at the table, while we lather ourselves into a frenzy over one-liners and hashtags that don’t mean anything and are more concerned in our side winning than the well-being and status of our country.
We only have ourselves to blame. I’m more disappointed in us than I am in our politicians. I had more hope for Americans desiring a distinction between celebrities paid to entertain us and policymakers who are “boring” brilliant strategists and intellectuals that revere the principals of our country.
Hucksters, slick-talkers, and opportunists now know that so many of us are no longer interested in the issues, and more motivated by a temporary hormone surge that comes when they feed us a bunch of emotional bullcrap we want to hear. They know that we are so ignorant that we don’t even realize that the real fight we’re having isn’t about race; that’s only a distraction while corporations continue to rob all of us blind and so we become unthinking slaves of consumption. We are the fools, not them.
And while I have a tremendous fondness for Oprah; her achievements and success cannot be understated. Her innate intellect and benevolence will never be in question by me. Despite all that, I think her talents are better served on the periphery of politics as she maintains her activism. Just because we elected one president because he’s a celebrity doesn’t mean that we should leave that position open for the next person who has more Twitter followers or better ratings.
Is that who we really are???
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