Louis C.K., comedian, actor, writer, director, and lead actor of his self-created television show “Louie,” was on late night television show “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” where he was asked to explain his decision to cast a black actress as the mother of his two white children.
When queried by Kimmel on the choice to cast a black women as the mother of two ‘very white’ daughters, Louis C.K replied that “If the character works for the show, I don’t care about the racial.” Continuing his explanation for his casting choice, Louis C.K spoke of a particular scene on the third season of “Louie” where the mother of children–a working professional–forcefully encourages him to get a job: “And when a black woman tells you to get a job it’s just more…’Get a job,’ it just hurts more.”
“It just hurts more?” Hmmm, I wonder why. And is it only white men who feel this increased pain when black women tell them to get a job? How often do black women actually tell white men to get jobs? Somebody should do a dissertation and field research on this topic.
The name of the actress who will play Louie’s wife has yet to be revealed.
The third season of “Louie” premieres Thursday at 10:30 p., ET on fX.