Author Spotlight

Author Spotlight: Fairy Tales Especially for Our Little Girls…

Kimberly Jessy has created a series of fairy tales centered around the beautiful Princess Tyler Marie, a Panamanian princess. All illustrations are Kimberly’s original design and creation.

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I just love the whimsical characters and the vibrant colors. This is a great read for our little girls–because they deserve to imagine themselves as princesses too.

Screen shot 2013-05-19 at 8.08.35 AMNot to mention the princes are hot…

Screen shot 2013-05-19 at 8.11.57 AMI showed this to The Babster, who is almost four, and she was quite intrigued. Its a nice read and great distraction for the kiddies so you and your man can enjoy you dinner when you upload it on your Kindle or iPad. Buy it here.

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