Color U Bold: Fab From Work Day to Party Nights

Party Season is here and its time to flex your makeup skills or at least the little bit that you know! I want to help you take take 2 everyday simple ...

Are You Watching “The Knick”?

By ‘FriendsofJay’ I watched the first season of the HBO—Cinemax series The Knick, about a hospital in New York City around the turn of...

5 Tips to Make Your Online Dating Profile Shine

Today’s dating world is vastly different than it was even ten or fifteen years ago. No longer do we rely on our friends to fix us up with that perfe...

False Ideologies Minorities Uphold That Hold Them ...

    By: Carrie Thompson     From 1965 Watts to current day church and street slayings of minorities, peaceful protests yielding martial law. Campa...

Save Your Bucks–Inexpensive Ways to Eat in N...

New York City is one of those places that you love to visit but don’t think you could ever live. There’s no shortage of amazing things to ...

Leona’s Love Quest  Modern Romance and the Par...

Happy Summer everyone! This is my favorite time of the year. When I finally get my life together, the first thing I plan to do is move to a beach town...

What If You Found Out the European Man You’v...

*Editor’s note: This is not a cautionary tale. Just a reminder that you can do everything right, follow all the rules and still get played. It h...
dating, relationships, leona's love quest, black women, romance, blogger, real life, journey, transitioning, dating, relationships, leona's love quest, black women, romance, blogger, real life, journey, transitioning,

Leona’s Love Quest: High Standards-The Sequel

As a companion to my previous article about high standards, I submitted this article to the New York Times series on Modern Love; alas, I just receive...

Were You Aware of the Federal Cyber Breech?

By Matthew W. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably know that a foreign adversary (likely the People’s Republic of China) breached ...

Carl: A Message to Black Women

Hello everyone. I am a white man who is rather fond of women, I happen to have a strong affinity for black women. Most of you who watch ChristelynR...
culture, race, ethnic, names, children, blended families, racism, discrimination, privilege, society, employment, stigma, dating, relationships, insight, black men, options,white men, black women, dating, interracial marriage, blended families, relationships, romance, flirting, advice, reader question, looking for love,

“ONE EQUALS ALL?” Do We Lump Folks Unfairly?

By Carrie Thompson After an unforeseen health scare, I’ve had an epiphany: my life is perfect. I’m not exactly where I dreamed I’d be after 6 ye...

Leona’s Love Quest New Standards for the Modern,...

  I broke my lease at my old apartment in Baltimore. It was a sketchy complex where tenants smoked weed on their back porch, played rap music loudly ...

Statuesque: My Intuition Steered Me to the Loves i...

I’ve had the privilege of being surrounded by women with strong intuitive and even psychic abilities all my life, and it took a long time to tap int...

Carrie: Making Love to ‘The Golfer’

  As I lie in a hospice bed awaiting the answer to the extant question, ‘What’s wrong with me?’ I wondered… What really is wrong with me?  ...