Black Women's Improvement Project (BWIP)

BB&W Featured on the Nathan Ivey Show!

Well, I was a bit nervous at first, I’ll admit that. The last time Nathan and I had a conversation on Facebook I de-friended him because he was being so obnoxious about No Wedding No Womb.

So when he asked me to be on the show yesterday, I first said “Why? So you can clown me?” But then, I thought, he can’t clown me unless I allow myself to be clowned. Cincinnati, Ohio is not the swirling mecca for black women, so it was a good chance to maybe reach some ladies who were at least open to rainbeau dating.

Apparently swirling is the new rage oba thea and is all over the news:

So Nathan and I tackled the question, and I got one idiot who called me a “traitor,” but other than that, I think it went well overall. Some of the audio might be hard to hear–especially Troll Caller, but it mostly all there.

Nathan Ivy Show July 2011 by Christelyn

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