
Black Media are Instruments to Perpetuate Dysfunction–BOSSIP, MTO, Lipstick Alley

In 2010, I committed an unforgivable act in the black media sphere–I started No Wedding No Womb, an online blog campaign that went viral overnight because I suggested something simple: Let’s think a little bit harder about who, when and how we have babies. I told black girls and women that they deserved to be protected and provided for during the most vulnerable times in their lives. Black media like BOSSIP, Media Take Out, and Lipstick Alley lead the charge in mocking and deriding me and worked in concert to discredit the movement and besmirch my reputation. Ironically, one of my lead opponents for NWNW claimed that I was promoting “middle-class values” and stigmatizing single mothers. Now that woman has joined the ranks of single motherhood while her child’s father went on to marry another woman while I believe, she was pregnant with his child.

In 2012, the usual black media collective gave wide criticism of my book, Swirling: How to Date, Mate & Relate, Mixing Race, Culture, and Creed. My message was simple. Black women deserve love how it comes, and are entitled to choose quality men of all races. Character above color. The resulting wave of black women who took my advice to heart created a boom in interracial relationships and marriages that is obvious to anyone not living under a rock. But it has also inspired a wave of hurtful name calling, guilting, and scorn from the same type of black media outlets.

Now in 2018, I launched The Pink Pill, the first comprehensive online course for black women who were never taught the tips and tricks other races of women have known for eons. It’s about being better physically, mentally and socially in order to compete on a global platform. It has by far been the best-selling project I’ve ever done. But leave it to BOSSIP, Media Take Out and Lipstick Alley, and I’m charging $200 to teach black women how to get white men. It’s a total lie, and despite me SPECIFICALLY saying it’s not about interracial dating, they STILL promoted that lie. They even posted the curriculum list that they couldn’t even access and STILL said that it was about black women chasing white men.

Here is the Pink Pill course curriculum that they also posted and yet continued with the lie…

So let’s analyze WHY these media outlets worked collectively to besmirch my reputation and my message: It black women in a large bloc reduced the out-of-wedlock rate, date the best man for the job, level up so you can successfully navigate around the wealthy and powerful and what do you honestly think would happen to the “struggle life” narrative of the collective? All three concepts are clearly logical and positive strategies for black women, but as soon as a black woman not married to a black men breaks the ranks and says so, is a clear and present danger to black humans.

Ask yourself…qui bono? Who benefits from black women taking on these strategies I suggest? Who has the MOST to lose? Once you answer that question, you can understand why they hate my guts.

If you’re done with the nonsense and want to see what Pink Pill is all about for yourself, click here.

And while you’re there, take a read of the reviews of REAL women who are actually TAKING the course.


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