~ O P I N I O N ~ by Eubie Drew ~

Germany vs. USA new COVID cases per million
–Since writing the words below, the resistance to masks & distancing by most Republican leaders has begun to turn. Still, our most prominent leader, the president, refuses to wear a mask in public and is holding an unsafe rally in South Dakota today (July 3rd).–
It is now clear that unless half our ruling class reverses itself within a month, the US is on an inevitable march to infection-acquired herd immunity to COVID-19 before rescue by a vaccine. The end-state of this process, mere months away, will be about 50%-90% infected, 1%-2% dead and 1%-2% permanently disabled.
From your individual perspective, your goal must be for you & loved ones to end up in the 10%-50% — let’s say 1 in 4 — not infected, by the end of this year. Figure out NOW how to fulfill basic survival needs while isolated for the next 6 months, as all the infrastructure fails. There might be actual anarchy in places. Many institutions will disappear. Leaving the country is an option to consider, but you have to do it immediately because the outside world is going to prevent migration. There could be more death and injury from the social disorder and the breakdown of health care than the virus itself. Some of those millions of assault rifles will be used.
You will know people — who are alive now — that will die.
Of course, all of that can be avoided, provided half our ruling class reverses itself by the end of July. Either way … we are truly living in interesting times. All of modern American history will be divided into “Before COVID” and “After COVID”.
Additional Reading:
- CDC says U.S. has ‘way too much virus’ to control pandemic as cases surge across country
The coronavirus is spreading too rapidly and too broadly for the U.S. to get it under control as some other countries have, Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Monday.
–> <MSNBC link> ~~~&~~ –> <Fox News link>
- ‘We are getting clobbered’: Six months into COVID-19, doctors fear what comes next
The aggressive spread of the coronavirus in the U.S., particularly in the Southern and Western states, is a reality many American health care providers face with humility and disgust as they look toward the second half of 2020. The physicians and public health experts who were interviewed hesitated when asked whether they had hope that the U.S. could overcome COVID-19 over the next six months. // “I’m discouraged and demoralized,” said Dr. Michael Saag, associate dean for global health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “When you compare our case numbers to almost any other industrialized country, we are getting clobbered.”
–> <NBC News link>
- Report: Houston Hospitals Almost Overrun By COVID-19 Patients
Houston hospitals are reportedly just weeks away from being overrun by coronavirus patients. According to reports, hospital beds are nearing capacity. // … // “It’s totally dependent on how the community, the individuals in our community, react to the messages that they’re getting from the governor and from the hospitals,” stated health official David Persse. “If they hear the message, if they start wearing the mask and social distancing, we should be able to get through this.”
–> <OAN link>
Republicans, with exception of Trump, now push mask-wearing
Lawrence Gostin, a public health expert at Georgetown University, says he worries Republican calls for wearing masks “might be too late. The public has received such mixed messages from the administration,” Gostin said. “I fear we may be stuck with coronavirus until it burns through the American population and leaves hundreds of thousands dead.”
–> <AP link>
- In Arizona, Nearly 1 In 4 Coronavirus Tests Now Comes Back Positive
The percentage of positive tests in Arizona is more than three times the national average, and hospital capacity has become a concern. // … // Arizona was quick to relax restrictions on businesses and reopen its economy, beginning in early May. Most new cases have come in just the past month. Maricopa County, with its Phoenix metro area, now ranks as one of the top five U.S. counties for total cases. // “Our foot is still on the accelerator, conditions are deteriorating and they’re going to continue to deteriorate at least for the next two to three weeks,” said Dr. Joe Gerald, a professor of public health at the University of Arizona …
–> <NPR link>
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Eubie Drew is @EubieDrew on Twitter, Facebook and ALL internet platforms. Check out his BB&W posts.