I’m so glad that, after four years of knowing about it, I finally made my way to Matthew Hussey Retreat. It’s about much more than how to snatch they guy you’ve always wanted. It’s about making the necessary changes in your life to get what you want out of life–from relationships, career, and self improvement.
Now before I get into the rigamarole of what he said, you need to know a little background about Matthew Hussey. We first met when he just turned 24 years old. Aside from being beautiful to look at, he had a beautiful mind. He was fiercely dedicated to reaching certain personal goals for success. He told me what some of those were, but I’ll let that tidbit stay between us. But what Matthew wanted wasn’t just self-serving–he literally wanted to change the world. By his mid-20’s, he was blessed with an insight into women and relationships that were beyond his years, and I had decided on that first dinner and video series that he was going to be a star, and I was going to watch it happen. The following video was upon our very first meeting.
Three years later, Matthew is a best-selling author, creator of a successful video coaching series, radio host on I Heart Radio, columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine, and creator of lifestyle retreats that regularly sell out and attract women from all over the world. I just had drinks with a young lady from Vienna. I sat in front of a girl from Canterbury. I shared an elevator with a woman from Austin.
He did all that just three years. He did all that because he was very clear and specific about his personal goals, and stayed disciplined, professional and driven. I am so very proud to be his business partner and friend.
Michael, a member of Matthew’s amazing retreat support staff.
So now that you now a little more about Matthew’s success, let’s talk about what he did to help him achieve his goals. He advises this formula:
Never stop learning. Matthew mades a practice of learning a new word a day, and studies debates..any and all kinds. It helps him hone his skills when he’s confronted with skeptics about his work or people who may be doubting themselves about their ability to apply the lifestyle changes he suggests to them.
He’s a morning person. “Successful people work up early!”
Most importantly, Matthew recommends regularity and ritual. Make a commitment to budget a certain time every day to work towards reaching your goals…whatever they are. “A strict routine frees your creativity,” he told us.
Everyone in the packed room took copious notes and there were lots of “oooo’s and ahhhhhs” of audible epiphanies. But what was the most moving, and potentially life changing, was the exercise Matthew conducted at the end of the day long-session.
He made us all visualize our own death.
He forced us to face truth that tomorrow is not promised, and people lose their lives every single day–people who had thought they’d always have more time. His challenge to us? Live your life like you don’t have any more time NOT make it happen.
It’s a good concept. What would you do right now if you know you didn’t have as much time as you thought to complete your goals? What would you do today to make it happen?