Black Women's Improvement Project (BWIP)

ETIQUETTE 101: “Nice to meet you;” The Art of the Introduction


This week I enlist the help of Bridget Jones to help me out with the humorous side of introducing people, especially when people you don’t particularly like are involved.

Now in a perfect world, the elements of the introduction are as follows:

1. Smile and look each person directly in the eye.
2. Project your voice so that your words are understood.
3. Say the names as clearly as you can and repeat if necessary.
4. Share something interesting abut the person you are introducing without getting too personal (Mr. Darcy’s ‘waddling pool” comment was not appropriate when introducing Bridget)
5. Use proper titles where necessary; “Dr., Mr., Mrs., “ etc.
6. Shake a hand if it is offered (handshaking is not practiced in some cultures so watch for visual cues)
7. Say, “It is nice to meet you!” when you are being introduced.

In certain situations, it is appropriate to introduce yourself to the other guests if you are at an event where you do not know the host/hostess or anyone else. Introductions need not be intimidating, but serves as a simple bridge to transition strangers into acquaintances and break the ice. Just don’t mention the waddling pool!

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