FIRST! I want to say WELCOME to all the new peeps who have joined the BB&W Crew. Unlike in real life, we’re mostly like sister-friends who disagree occasionally, laugh at each other, dang-near scalp each other, and (mostly) kiss and make up.
I also know there are a few weeds in the garden these days, and my special secret ALL-KNOWING software knows where you’re coming from you, BLACK MEN VENT, SPEARHEAD, BLACK PLANET, OKAY PLAYA, MEDIA TAKE OUT, LIPSTICK ALLEY and “I HATE BLACK WOMEN BUT DEMAND THEY WORSHIP ME!!” websites, and while you’re welcome to view the 3,500+ (and growing) black women who are catching a clue to watch them step out of the matrix, go right ahead if you’re into that kind of stuff.
For the most part, I run a pretty loose ship. I let people disagree with me, because I am not such a megalomaniac that no one can tell me I’m ever wrong. You can disagree, but in my mind, I’m always right.
I also let people come on here on occasion to say stupid sh!t, but mostly to expose how stupid they are. But I have my limits, and once you cross me, you’re crossed off for good. Just to help you navigate through the community with relative ease, I’ve put together the general house rules of Beyond Black & White:
1. This is an sight dedicated to black women in interracial relationships, considering interracial relationships, long for interracial relationships, or just nosy about interracial relationships. So, if you’re looking for posts about how hot Idris Elba is, you most likely won’t find it here. Idris is fine; yes. But people on this site are mostly curious about guys who look like this:
No offense to Idris, he's hot too, but you can get your fill in just about every black-identified site on the interwebs.
2. No amount of conjoling, debating and faulty reasoning will ever convince me that I should have never married my white husband. He is not over 150 years old, and never participated in the slave trade, so get over it already.
3. This is MY house. And while I have a lot of guests, don’t come in here and try to rearrange the furniture. Don’t like what I write? Blogger and WordPress are free. Get your own soapbox.
4. Most of us are highly educated, so stupid people irritate us.
5. The tone of my writing voice is that of a very cheeky smart arse. Thin skins can be hazardous to your emotional health, because I am expert at turning an insult to me into a joke that’s on you.
6. And speaking of sanity, comments will all caps make you look hysterical, and will probably be deleted.
7. I generally don’t care what people think. I’m not needy in that way. I say what I want. I report what I want. Don’t like it? Don’t let the e-door hit you on the way out.
8. Using the c-word is grounds for immediate banning and I will wish for you a nasty case of herpes.
9. If you are a black man disguised as a woman and feel an inescapable urge to be here, there are many trans-sexual communities online that will welcome you.
10. If I write a post about something that doesn’t have anything to do with your experience, cool. But don’t act like it doesn’t exist just because it’s not in your orbit.
11. If you hate me and just wish I would go away, I want to hear from you. Really. You can send any and all correspondence regarding this matter to [email protected].
12. Yes. I do know I’m still black.
13. I make a lot of typos. I don’t get mad if you point them out, just don’t expect me to pay you $25 an hour for copyediting.
14. To the Guardians of All Things Dark & Lovely (aka GAT-DL), it’s best to just press the BACK button before I get your pressure up.
Any BB&W veterans want to add to the list?