I absolutely LOVE how naturals rock scarves, but to date, I’ve been a little shy on the trigger. The styles that require larger scarves seem a bit daunting–and not just because of the styling, but the costs of the material.
Lucky for me, this weekend fell on my Nordstrom’s Visa due date, and the bins of scarves were right by the cash register. I wasn’t going to shop. I wasn’t. I didn’t really care that red-line clearance items were an additional 25% off.
Except…that scarf spilling over like a woven waterfall got my attention, because it was marked from $26 to $3, and 25% off of that.
If you have a Nordstrom Rack near you, it might be work checking out. You could get like, 4 scarves for $20, so those fancy natural styles using them won’t put such a big dent in your wallet.