Interracial couplings are at the highest in American history with new Census data reporting that 1 in 10 married couples are mixed. People are merging race, culture and religion to create a fusion of something different and new. But when it comes to the point where marriage–and particularly the wedding ceremony–is seriously discussed, that fusion can quickly become a culture clash as parents and other family members protest and lobby for their particular traditions to be honored during the festivities.
The stressful part interracial and intercultural weddings is often the family, says Kristin Koch, senior editor of Parents often feel like they are losing their child to someone else and deviating from religion or culture and that can feel like a rejection.
That’s why I love how my friends Danny and Nimi integrated a traditional American wedding with a traditional Nigerian after party.
Take a look!
What ways have you integrated your separate cultural traditions in your relationship, wedding and family?