
Political Open Thread: Who Do You Think Won the Debate, Trump or Hillary?


Let me first preface by saying that I’m NOT excited about either candidate. But in my opinion, there is one candidate–Donald Trump–who is NOT fit for office. He’s a liar, bully, and opportunist. He unapologetically lies daily that no one even bothers to be outraged anymore. He says black people want “stop and frisk,” says not paying federal taxes just means “I’m smart,” capitalizing on the housing bust at the expense of millions of people who lost their homes as “good business,” and was unapologetic about not paying contractors on his construction projects. This man is an utter PIG.

However, Hillary Clinton is like a walking, talking personification of a inert government. She seems to be tone deaf about what the average, middle class American wants and needs, and is too cozy for comfort with major corporations. She’s quick to go to war and increase government entitlements instead of giving a real plan on how to bring jobs back to economically depressed cities and states. She’s slimy for sure. But she is not WORSE than a PIG.

In the end, I’m probably not voting for either candidate who doesn’t know what the hell Alleppo is.

What say you?

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