Gosh, I love it when the men chime in. This is a response by Tiger, a new reader and fan, regarding the post we did last week about the young girl who is heartbroken that the man she’s been seeing for four years hesitates to marry her because he want his kids to look white like him.
Check it out…
Chris- Boyfriend who doesn’t want his kids not to look like him…you as always echoed my thoughts perfectly. I do not have the words to express my feelings for this young woman’s issue. But I will try to get it out in a civil, constructive and adult manner as not to offend you or possibly your readers. I have a very similar experience…
Chris, I do have one little question though. In all those four years, this subject never came up? Did the letter say anything regarding this?
Ms. The day I informed my mother that I was planning on asking my fiancée (now my wife) to ask for her hand in marriage started extremely well with my father. He was beyond excited, proud and happy and jumped on the phone to vividly express his feelings to Chi! As I left to go to mothers, he had a word of warning for me though. When you tell her, be prepared.
At that point, my mother had been “reluctanty” supportive of Chi and I’s relationship. I was hoping that surely she, being a minister and self proclaimed woman of God might be somewhat “reluctanty” happy.
My mother explained that, while she thought well of Chi, respected her being the only woman ever to domesticate her Tiger, that she was appalled and could NEVER support us having offspring. Reason? Crying she said “I WANT MY GRANDCHILDREN TO LOOK LIKE ME…” Addionally, “What would my friends say? What will people say” I was left with a choice and my heart filled with an abhorrent resolve.
I proceeded with my decision that , although she was entitled to her warped opinion, it was unacceptable. At that moment, her selfish and disgusting stand had hammered THE final nail into the coffin that reads “A mothers unconditional love for her son” I cut her out and off. Am I hurt? Yes, Mad? Damn right I am. BUT do I regret the road taken ….Nope. Not for one fraction of a second. It is truly her utter and complete loss.
To this young women on her boyfriend, l share this story with her. When faced with something so foul in at its base, so hurtful and monumental in scope … It makes your choice that much easier. For he is in the wrong on so many levels both on the surface and deep in his one dementional vile heart. Young lady, I’ve attached a picture of my daughter and myself. I can’t go anywhere without people commenting on how SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE THIS OL’ HANDSOME LUG!!! You be the judge…
All my best wishes to you and your TRUE love in whatever color skin his soul shines in…still out there…still waiting for you and your heart. Please don’t give up on us white guys though!!!!
Tiger and his daughter