Robin Thicke is really, really, really serious about winning back his humiliated wife, Paula Patton with this new video, “Get You Back,” and warns all of us that “this is just the beginning.” Not sure my stomach can handle too much more though…
Take a look at the video. OMG…he even bleeds catsup and splatters Visine on his cheeks to look like he’s crying. Thicke also gives us a peek into what might be actual text message exchanges between him and Paula that read, “I kept trying to warn you, you were pushing me too far”…”You embarrassed me” The texts from the other side say, “I hate myself” and “I’m sorry.”
But hey, I guess from a PR standpoint the begging is paying off, because the video, which was released less than 24 hours ago has over 1,000,000 views.