
Sociologist Says “Cheap Sex” is Causing Marriage Decline

Ever wonder what effect easy, virtually instant sex has on society? Apparently it makes men not want to get married. Because they don’t have to, says one sociologist. This from the New York Post:

The share of Americans ages 25-34 who are married dropped 13 percentage points from 2000 to 2014. A new book by sociologist Mark Regnerus blames this declining rate on how easy it is for men to get off.

Regnerus calls it “cheap sex,” an economic term meant to describe sex that has very little cost in terms of time or emotional investment, giving it little value.

This is definitely bad news for women who seek marriage and family as a major life goal. Because while they are the gatekeepers for sex, it’s the men who dominate the marriage game, Regnerus points out.

Perhaps the scariest part is that “cheap sex” is leading to male brain drain. Men aren’t working as hard to achieve success because that’s no longer a qualifier for sexual access.

Regnerus blames cheap sex for the decreasing education and employment rates among men as greater numbers of women get college degrees and enter the labor force. Six percent more women than men in the 25-34 age group have a bachelor’s degree.

Regnerus backs this theory up with a quote from social psychologists Roy Baumeister and Kathleen Vohs, who study this phenomenon. “Nowadays young men can skip the wearying detour of getting education and career prospects to qualify for sex,” they write. “Sex has become free and easy. This is today’s version of the opiate of the (male) masses.”

What do you think? Is marriage doomed, or can these trends be altered?

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