
Author Spotlight: Kesha Ajose Fisher

I met Kesha through our Beyond Black and White Facebook page. She has written an anthology of stories featuring a variety of African women’s exp...
interracial dating, black women dating white men, Swirling, book, video, diverse dating, dating outside your race, white men, advice, question of the week, culture, society, racism, intercultural communication, biracial, blended families, dark skinned women, community, international, quality men, black women dating white men, relationship, marriage, couples, swirling, blended families, culture, society, racism, fear,

Ladies, Do NOT Date Interracially if You’re ...

A non-black man just sent me the email below regarding an exchange he had with a black woman on OKCupid that he found attractive. This woman is so def...
dating, mating, relationships, trust, loyalty, submission, surrender, interracial, marriage, couples, intimacy, point of view, why can't some women be submissive, the power of submission,

Surrender Versus Submission: What You Don’t ...

All this talk of men, sex, and femininity, yet again, has got my mind sizzling with ways in which I might be able to explain to you what’s so aw...

Sapphire On a Side Note: Patriarchy, Purity and th...

Tracy drops the knowledge......