
Youtube, video chat, network, Google +, interracial marriage, blended families, biracial children, black women, commitment, long term, advice, discussion, ChoNilla show, guests,

Friday, Friday, FRIDAY! Join Us For the Google+ Ha...

What are you doing tomorrow night? Do you have a date? No? Well now you do. Join me, You Tubers Shelly and Michael and Sherley and Clove of the legend...
dating, relationships, Youtube, advice, Google +, interracial marriage, mixed race, blended couples, forum, discussion, how to tell if he's into you, black women dating white men, advice for black women, swirling,

Video Discussion: How to Tell if He/She is Into Yo...

Last Friday I had my buddy, Niki McElry, author of The Black Girls’s Guide to Dating White Men and relationships coach with a podcast called, &#...
Niki McElroy, James Swanwick, Youtube, Google+, private chat, community, advice, social ques, body language, dating, relationships, mating,

Next BB&W LIVE Chat: How to Know When He (or ...

Last week’s live chat was such a massive success, we’re doing it again, and adding another hour! We’re adding it because the topic o...