Mixed Race

Biracial and Black: A Tale of Two Ethnicities

Introduction I have noticed that a few of our posts are getting more traction than others. Frankly, people are getting rather triggered these days. Th...
dating, relationships, Youtube, advice, Google +, interracial marriage, mixed race, blended couples, forum, discussion, how to tell if he's into you, black women dating white men, advice for black women, swirling,

Video Discussion: How to Tell if He/She is Into Yo...

Last Friday I had my buddy, Niki McElry, author of The Black Girls’s Guide to Dating White Men and relationships coach with a podcast called, &#...
light skin, dark skin, colorism, hatred, self hatred, complexion, black men, black women, dating, relationships, privilege, Latinos,

Your Blues Ain’t Like Mine: The Lighter Side...

The life of a light skinned Black female can be an amazingly confusing place. The fact of the matter is that I didn’t necessarily understand my ...

Should We Cease To Embrace the One Drop Rule?

As more and more of us swirl, how should we identify our progeny?...