QOTW, undesirable, advice, perception, self esteem, messages, marriage, attraction, online dating, stereotypes,

QOTW: “How Do I Stop Believing I’m Und...

Hello! So, a brief description of myself. I am a young black woman, 21, in college and due to graduate soon. I have always known that I was more attra...
QOTW, men, dating, flirting, mating, advice, social, culture, video, Youtube, advice for black women, why do men stare, dating, non black men, white men flirting, opinion,

QOTW: “Men Stare, But Don’t Make a Mov...

The Question: What does it mean when men stare at you without smiling? This happens often to me, and i’m not doing anything out of the ordinary ...

QOTW: “Am I Wrong to EXPLICITLY Exclude Blac...

Hi Christelyn,   I have been following this website for a little while now, and im happy to know that there is a support group for those who want to ...
QOTW, dating, relationships, mating, romance, advice, Facebook,

QOTW: “Will I Ever Get a Date…Ever?!&#...

The note: Hi Christelyn,  I am a fan of your website and have liked it on Facebook, so I see regular updates on every venture you deign to put up. I ...
QOTW, advice, white friends, black friends, bias, race, culture, education, teaching moments,

QOTW: “Help! My White Friends Ask My Black G...

How many us have felt like you’ve had to be the ambassador of all black people when you’re around people of other races? On guy wrote me,...
QOTW, dating, teens, advice, video, flirting, relationships, black young women, black teens, curiosity, early dating years, confidence,

QOTW: 16 Year Old Girl Wants to Know Why White Guy...

The question… Hi Christelyn! My name is Brianna and I’m 16 years old and I’m also natural!. I am currently enrolled in a predominate...
mixed dating, relationships, interracial, blended couples, white men, black men, advice, QOTW

QOTW: White Guy Worried He’s ONLY Attracted ...

Hi Christelyn, I discovered you on Youtube. I enjoy your input on IR dating and would definitely consider you the “expert” on this topic o...
QOTW, dating, video, advice, black women, curious, flirting, workplace dating, does she like me?, youtube, white men, swirlr, swirling, interracial, mixed dating,

QOTW: White Guys Asks, “Does My Gorgeous, Bl...

The question: On the 3rd day of my new job I met the most beautiful and sexy woman I have ever met. She is black. It was very brief and before I jette...
dating, mating, mixed couple, advice, video, Youtube, QOTW, flirting, black women, white men,

QOTW: “How Can I Tell If He Likes Me?!”...

The question… I enjoy watching all of your videos!! I am black and 19 years old. In a couple of weeks I will  be 20 years old. I live in Alaba...
black women, black men, dating, behavior, latino men, swirling, options, choices, marriage, crass, behavior, sexual, exploitation, familiarity, interracial, question of the week, turn off,

QOTW: “Am I Wrong If I Choose to Never Date ...

I just got this note from a fan of the blog and fan page: I have a question for you Christelyn as well as the other group members who are doing the sw...
Youtube, relationship, video, advice, online dating, long-distance, mating, Swirling, single mother, digital, games, Christmas, international, passport, intentions, honesty,

QOTW: “Is My Long-Distance Relationship a Bi...

I received this note from a reader a few weeks ago: “I am a single parent of twin seven year old boys and I live in Trinidad. I have known my fr...