single mothers

children, single parenthood, opinion, video, daughters, broken families, out of wedlock births, irresponsible parents, deadbeat fathers, single mothers, Youtube, video,

Video: Single Parenthood from the Child’s Pe...

I remember back in 2010 when No Wedding No Womb first entered the foray, and everybody and their single mothers were railing against the mere acknowle...
QOTF, black women dating white men, women with children, vetting, relationships, mating, dating, single mothers, advice, video, Youtube, using men as a back up plan, learn proper vetting, finding a step father, loser men, self esteem, priorities,

(Bonus) QOTW: Black Women, Multiple Children, and ...

Writer: Hey my name is “Sue” I’m a black female live in St.Louis Mo I have had bad relationship with black men so I decided to date ...

Why Do [Some] Black Folks Treat the Truth Like a C...

Why Do [Some] Black Folks Treat the Truth Like a Communicable Disease?...