I find it quite interesting that each season has a staple color every single season. For example, Winter’s staple color is black. Fall’s staple color is burgundy or oxblood. Spring staple.. well spring doesn’t have a staple because it shares it’s staple color with summer, which is white. This season isn’t any different except, normally white is coupled with another color like gold or silver but this season, try to avoid colored beverages and spicy foods, because white now has it’s own zip code. This season’s ultimate color trend is Bright White. This trend takes white and throw it all on the canvas. Everything white. Head-to-toe white.
But if you are one of those persons who for some unknown bizarre reason, always always spills something on your clothes when you wear white, have no fear, this trend is versatile. You can mix white with many different colors and still find yourself staying true to this trend. Try mixing white with yellow or red, or carry a big Chlorox stick around with you.
The awesome thing about this classic trend is that all white looks great on all skin tones, all ages, and all hair colors. You just can’t go wrong with it. It’s always fresh, fun, and at most times elegant. It is the lighter brighter sister of black.
It is even good to wear a white suit for business and still look formidable. Don’t believe me? Ask Olivia Pope. She shows us how to wear white from H2T every week. Let us pause, to appreciate the wardrobe, i.e. white trench that Olivia is seen in every week.
So if you are on board for this trend, I would suggest you start off small. Pic one piece to be the focal white piece in your ensemble, you know, just in case you are a dirt magnet in white. Once you are comfortable and confident that you will implode, add another white piece to the ensemble, until you are in white from top to bottom. Below, are some awesome white ideas. Enjoy!