
Troubling “Incel” Reddit Community Poses New Dangers for Women

If you haven’t heard of an “Incel,” you’re not alone. I just discovered it myself. It means “involuntarily celibate,” and it’s comprised of self-proclaimed “ugly,” socially awkward men who resent their inability to readily have sex with women. Unlike MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) these men don’t want to leave the game, they just want an opportunity to play.

As with most groups of disgruntled, sexually frustrated men, communities like this are breeding grounds for fantasies of violence against women, encouragement of the fantasies and validation of antisocial behaviors by the group.

Here’s an example of one discussion in this group of great concern:

On person on a particular thread boiled this all down..

All sex begins with talking, and the guys who post here don’t know how to talk to girls, they’re scared to approach them, and even if they did approach them they wouldn’t have anything interesting to talk to them about because nobody wants to hear about their Warcraft guild or their Call of Duty achievements.

If you can’t talk to a girl, you can’t have sex with one.

It’s nice that the internet has provided communities for people who may have previously felt isolated and alone, but when the focus isn’t aimed at growth or improvement but encouraging it’s members to feed and perpetuate their anger and frustration in a petri dish of woman hate, we have a problem.

Think for a moment, about other societies in which the males feel repressed and unable to enjoy sexual outlets with girlfriends or wives. The violence in these areas increase, especially towards women. In one article in Psychology Today, some societies do this on purpose. “One could argue that war-like societies intentionally cultivate sexual frustration in young men because their resulting aggressiveness makes them better soldiers, much like boxing trainers making fighters swear off women. Criminologists have long known that unmarried young men commit the bulk of the crimes in the United States. The best way to end a criminal‘s career is to get him married — or at least laid regularly.”

Then there’s the jealousy these men feel toward women, which is totally beta/gamma.

Usually, frustration with certain conditions is what motivates we humans to change. With groups like these, that seem resigned to their fates while feeding their anger seems like such a waste. There used to be a time that when an “ugly” guy knew that if they worked a little bit harder to become successful, or charming, or charismatic, they realized their looks became less important to women, who are much more forgiving about such things. The sense of hopelessness by this video-game and Netflix-obsessed generation of boys makes me despair for my three daughters. One of my male colleagues gave them a name: Feral Boys.

That’s exactly what they are. Wild. Dangerous. Unpredictable. Feral.

I could go into some ideas of why there’s so many feral boys, but I’m not inclined on getting into any online flame wars with defensive folks who think the nuclear family is oppressive, of that fathers are complete unnecessary.

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Follow Christelyn on Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. And if you want to be a little more about this online dating thing, InterracialDatingCentral is the official dating site for this blog.