Yesterday I listened to a pretty nasty video from a black woman in the U.K. who has a HUGE problem with me advocating black women dating interracially. Not because she believes they shouldn’t, but believes that I’m on a mission to promote white men above all other races. Oh. And she’s really disgusted at my “42 year-old tits and ass” burning her eyes when I do my gardening and cooking videos.
Clearly I’m a whore. Clearly. I look like I’m ready to stand on a street corner and blow somebody for $20.
What struck me first was how this girl, along with potentially hundreds of others, believes that there’s some conspiracy to alienate the unions of black women with non-white men, and didn’t I know that most white men are disgusting racist pigs? She’s also getting married to a non-black man who is also non-white, and should be ecstatic, but is spending her time writing me audio letters about how my old ass should be wearing a burqa and ceasing and desisting with my evil plan to elevate white men.
Sigh. Here’s a little factoid to people who don’t know: the Questions of the Week dominate the content on my You Tube channel, and they are 100% comprised of letters I get from fans. Most of the men who write me for advice are white men, by a WIIIIDDDDEEE margin. However, I’ve always been open to answering questions from Asian and Hispanic men, and a simple search of this site and You Tube reflects that there is no bias on my part. We’ve even done live chats about dating ethic men. There’s a whole chapter in Swirling about it. Yet, apparently I’m not doing enough. I simply reach out to the people who reach out to me. Is it my fault that more white men are interested in dating black women than all other minorities combined? what do they expect me to do…grab minority men on the street and force them to talk to me? Probably. These folks are cray.
Some of these haters are just too paranoid for words. My goodness.