“Sonia, what is that?”
It was the second morning in a week I’d walked past my Korean-born colleague’s cubicle to find her hunched over a foil-wrapped, reddish tube-shaped object, munching away. It was obviously some type of potato, I could see that. But it was the way she was eating it, more than anything else, that piqued my interest. Totally naked (the potato, not Sonia), in medallion-shaped slices, and savoring each bite the way one typically sees reserved only for, say, a Krispy Kreme doughnut.
Damn, that must be one hell of a potato, I had already started thinking, when she answered: “It’s a roasted Korean yam. So good. We eat them for breakfast all the time. Want to try a piece?”
Why, yes, Sonia, don’t mind if do. You’re a peach. Before sundown, I’d driven 3 miles out of my way after work, to the nearest Asian supermarket in search of some..
…and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Have you ever stood over your kitchen sink holding a plain roasted potato in one hand like a Dairy Queen dipped cone, devouring it down to the nub? No? Just me? OK. Well, you will. I like to think I’ve been around a sweet potato or two in my lifetime, but these Korean yams are in a whole different ball park. When roasted, the flesh takes on a velvety, butter-rich texture unlike any other variety I’ve tasted. And the flavor. I can’t even describe it. Plus, imagine that you are down to your last $5.00 and can only buy a single food to sustain and satisfy you every day for a week straight. And not just any food, but one ranked highest among ALL vegetables (and probably all food, period)? Where else, I ask, are you going to get all this…
…for just $4.81?
Online you can now find tons of credible research extolling the health virtues of the Japanese Sweet Potato or Korean yam (also known as “goguma”), which forms the cornerstone of the diets belonging to the globe’s longest-lived populations, like the Okinawans in Japan. As this is a fitness post, let’s get straight to brass tacks about how this specific food can support your efforts to get and stay fit:
Green Bean and Sweet Potato Salad w/Miso Dressing
Blend all dressing ingredients (except chives) in a food processor or blender until smooth. Fold in chives. Coat the remaining salad ingredients with the dressing, and serve.
Tip: I roast my Korean yams stovetop with this handy little pot I picked up for $8 at my local Asian grocery store…
Searched under everything I could think of, but couldn’t find a source for these online (Really, Amazon?), so for those of you who don’t live near a well-stocked Asian supermarket, I’m sorry I can’t help you out. Truly. Because for $8 this is the best thing since sliced bread, and I’ve been rocking it nonstop to roast EVERYTHING. (For some reason, results are so much better over the oven.) And since I can’t read the Korean on the box it came in (below), I can’t even track back to the manufacturer. If you live in the DC area, you can find it at the H Mart on 12015 Georgia Avenue, Wheaton, MD 20902.
Otherwise, good luck in your local area, and report back if and when you find it…!
Read more from hotyogachick’s fitness blog at www.shelovesgloves.com